DIY beer cap projects
When it comes to my favorite DIY projects, it's always about turning recycled pieces and products into cool conversation pieces. We've been collected wine corks for some time now for various projects, and just recently started adding bottle…

Save the date for Bloomfest this weekend
Mark your calendars - the 5th annual Bloomfest LA takes place on Saturday, July 21 from 2:00 - 10:00 pm in the Downtown LA arts district. A family-friendly event (you can even bring your pooch) with music, art exhibits, kid's activities,…

Honey, bring home a bucket o’ chicken?
Today is National Fried Chicken Day! And even though about a quarter of Americans eat this kind of stuff every day, fried chicken is a luxury in our household - a special occasion to indulge one night just every once in a while. And forget KFC…

Sum sum summertime: Raspberry-Lime Smoothie recipe
Since we have to suffer through the Los Angeles summer heat without air conditioning in the majority of our not-so-energy-efficient house, we have to get a little creative with cooling down. Having worked at a smoothie shop during some of…

Beer Buzz Friday: Stone Brewing coming to Pasadena
Thank god. Stone Brewing Co. is heading to our neck of the woods, or nearby rather.
The LA Times reports that the nationally recognized Southern California brewery is opening up a "sample" slash tasting room on South Raymond Avenue in…

New traditions: Sundays at Golden Road Brewing
Oh dear, we had a little blog lapse! But it's back to business as usual!
We were recently invited to join in on a little Sunday tradition with some Atwater Village friends at the pub at Golden Road Brewing. And boy am I hooked - perfect LA…

Beer buzz Friday: Belgian Beer of the Month club
It's a beautiful thing when the Belgian beer-of-the-month package comes just as you're broke, and you've still got a few days until the paycheck comes in. And what a treat it is - thanks to my lovely sister-in-law! Since around Christmas…

Recipe: Blood orange + Pear puree Margaritas
This is definitely my favorite margarita recipe ever! An experiment from my old bartending days, this was on our menu for a long time and sold quite a bit. There's something about how the pear puree cuts right through the acidity of all…

Beer Buzz Friday: Prickly Pear Coronitas
There's a trend on the internet recipes as of late having to do with mixing beer with our precious tequila. Beer margaritas, beer lemonade, Coronitas - these recipes are popping up and even showing up on bar menus. So of course - we had…

How to juice a prickly pear
Prickly pears actually grow pretty abundantly around Southern California. But since we don't exactly want to get caught picking some stranger's prickly pears behind their gate, we get ours for super cheap at the local Asian market - A Grocery…

From the archives: Red Lion beer garden
Whenever we're uploading photos of big frosty glasses of beer, it just makes us want to say a prayer of thanks to the beer gods.
And we are happy, happy campers sipping those frosty glasses of beer in the beer garden at Red Lion, located…

Recipe: Summery green juice that even he’ll like
In preparation for our inevitable hangover tomorrow, we're drinking lots of water, and even broke out the juicer for our favorite summer green juice. Although there are a plenty of debates over cures for a hangover, we're hoping all the vitamins…

Beer Buzz Friday: Mix-and-Match six packs in Atwater Village
It looks like any other liquor store from the outside - large posters advertising the lottery, 18-pack Budweiser, and cigarette specials plastering the windows along the sidewalk. But head to the far wall inside Bill's Liquor in Atwater Village…

Recipe: The perfect cheater margarita
Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, our first official holiday celebrated here on Girls Who Like Beer. And what better way to celebrate any holiday than with a perfect "cheater" margarita?
The keyword is, of course, "cheater." A perfect, perfect…

Faux Pas Bistro opens tonight in West Hollywood
Tonight is the grand opening of Faux Pas Bistro - a newly renovated California-French inspired restaurant on Fairfax and Third in West Hollywood. We happily attended the media cocktail party on Monday night for a sneak peak of the restaurant's…