DIY beer cap projects
When it comes to my favorite DIY projects, it’s always about turning recycled pieces and products into cool conversation pieces. We’ve been collected wine corks for some time now for various projects, and just recently started adding bottle caps to our junk drawer with the plan to do something fun and different with them. I think we’d like to have a nice table in the yard for our BBQs, but there are lots of things to do with the caps. More images and ideas after the jump!

Just a bit of the collection thus far
Now I just need to figure out what to do with my awesome collection of tequila corks! Feel free to share suggestions for me in the comment area below.

My small collection of tequila tops
Very creative and unique innovation. I even can’t think of using plastic caps like this. Its really amazing. Just loved it.
Looking for Tequila tops also….great ideas,