Giveaway: Angel City bottle openers!!

You may have heard Angel City Brewery finally opened the doors of its Arts District/Downtown Los Angeles brewery earlier this month. Although technically a reboot after Alchemy & Science bought it in 2011, the Angel City beers are completely…

Craft beer roundup: Winter beer obsessions

Even though we're halfway through February and it's about 70 degrees and sunny here in Los Angeles, this winter we've been coveting all the craft beers that are both seasonal and perfect for the winter. Though drinking delicious, melt-in-your-mouth…

My Sour Valentine

The best Valentine’s Day plans always seem to arise from you and the one you love, doing something you both love, not what others tell you you should be doing to commemorate the day. Why shell out for roses if the only time your lady likes…

Field trip: El Segundo Brewing Co.

El Segundo Brewing Company’s tasting room is nestled just off the street in a small basement room that might be your dad’s dream of converting the garage into a bar come to life. Sacks naming different hops hung on the walls and the…

Chasing the Unicorn: Westvleteren XII

In endeavoring to review the Westvleteren XII, I can’t help but be reminded of the challenge faced by Chuck Klosterman in his review of Guns N Roses’ Chinese Democracy (to date, my all-time favorite review of anything). Finally experiencing…

Two ways to cement your love for beer… in cement

The Los Angeles craft beer scene is ever-growing, but it's looking like this will be a year of new beer for Angelenos. And there are a couple of ways you can not only be a part of keeping the craft beer momentum going, but also have your name…