Beer Buzz Friday: Prickly Pear Coronitas

Our prickly pear Coronita is pink and delicious
There’s a trend on the internet recipes as of late having to do with mixing beer with our precious tequila. Beer margaritas, beer lemonade, Coronitas – these recipes are popping up and even showing up on bar menus. So of course – we had to try it. But in true Girls Who Like Beer fashion, we’ve stepped up the recipe a little bit.
We adapted our latest drink from a Cherry Beer Margarita recipe on The Blond Cook blog, but cherry flavors make us think of cough syrup and other sweet, sickly things. Other Coronitas recipes call for overly sweet and sticky blended recipes. But we have lots of bright pink prickly pear juice, a good bottle of tequila, store-bought ice, and plenty of limes.
Thus was born, the Prickly Pear Coronita.
Even it it’s not your thing, it’s worth trying. As my husband exclaimed after one sip, “It tastes like a cruise!”
Recipe (makes 1 pitcher):
1 can frozen limeade (or make your own using lime juice and agave. Always preferred, but I have yet to measure the amounts for publication)
12 oz. bottle of Corona
12 oz. Tequila (we used Sauza Anejo Conmemorativo)
12 oz. Sprite or 7-UP
3 tablespoons Prickly Pear juice
Lime wedge for garnish
Kosher salt for the rim
Stir in ingredients and serve in each salt-rimmed glass over ice. Or, instead of adding the tequila to the mix as a whole, add 2 ounces to each glass and then pour.
Drink carefully – this drink really catches up on you!
Sounds like the perfect SoCal recipe to drop on some NorCal glampers (glamarous campers) this summer.